Monday, November 30, 2020

KATA TAIKYOKO GEDAN under the Calasanz System GOJU RYU KARATE KATA TAIKYOKO GEDAN under the Calasanz System GOJU RYU KARATE CT kung fu core flexibility core balance “martial arts” “abdominal area” karate kata grace Calasanz Connecticut “Tai Chi” “chi” Norwalk Westport “New Canaan” Stamford Greenwich* In the first part of this clip Calasanz & Christina demonstrates very smart way of working out back, abdominal muscle as well as arms muscles. Second part of this clip works abdomen area, pelvic and inner thigh. Third part is concentrated on arms and especially inner muscle of the arms, which is so hard to develop. With Calazans System exercises not just muscles just get developed, but they develop the save way and they look and feel elongate and rested. Big part of Calasanz system is devoted to breathing. As master likes to say: everything starts from proper breathing; if you breathe properly you will gain flexibility. For more clips and tips see or or call Calasanz at 203-847-6528 KATA TAIKYOKO GEDAN under the Calasanz System GOJU RYU KARATE

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