Taken from an Audio Recording of Calasanz
Chi Shuo vs. Figthing.
Let me give you the first concept or idea about reality towards this.

Put two electrodes together and there is an arc, a shock, electricity. You see... If I fight Leung Ting I can be the loser or he can be the loser; with my power I have a little chance. You know, everyone around me always said no matter who it would be, "Okay, Calasanz is gonna win." People would joke, "If Mike Tyson and Calasanz get into the ring who is going to win?"
Everyone said, "Of course Calasanz."
Today I say, "Get outta here!" I never wanted to be against Mike Tyson anyway. Back then maybe it would have been allowed, but with the UFC and MMA being the way they are today that fight would never happen. You see, back then the UFC did not exist and I had done so much that people really thought I was not human. Remember, we are talking about 1986, guy, people believed that I was something from another planet.
'seems like because from then, having been so well rounded at that point in time no one else was so multidisciplinary... and you were.'
"Exactly, Exactly, so that is why today I can put it together so... chi shuo, again if you are a fighter you don't want to start the fight at close range because now the wing chun guy is going to defeat you. That is the difference between being a fighter and not being a fighter.
If you know Wing Chun Kung Fu and you're also a fighter you are the deadliest person on the planet. But if you just know traditional Wing Chun and you are facing a fighter, now you have to be careful. Leung Ting can be against a UFC fighter, but if he is not ready to take the punishment the fight might not go his way. This is what happened in "Fighting Black Kings" when most of the Japanese defeated the Chinese. The Chinese were just regular people doing Wing Chun as regular people. They were not competitors like the Japanese preparing for punishment and training for the fight you know?
Now you're on the street getting ready to fight the person... if the guy knows the same amount of Wing Chun as you, you are not going to fight him. The wing chun guy, the kung fu guys don't fight on the street. The two of you are going to end up as friends. "Oh you train Wing Chun and I train Cheng Chuan Longfist. Okay, you teach me Wing Chun and I will teach you my kung fu." But if one of you doesn't know martial arts then there is going to be a fight. Now the Wing Chun guy is gonna take the street fighter and have him by the nose. This is what you would do to a street fighter with wing chun. But again, the guy didn't know how to fight, and that's the difference.
When you're talking about the guy who is trained to be a fighter going up against a guy trained in Wing Chun doing traditional chi shuo and is a very good martial artist, but isn't a competitor start from far because then you have the edge. You can probably kick or punch the guy. But the minute you touch the Wing Chun guy as a street fighter with no Wing Chun you have to be ready mister. How are you going to block 11 attacks? That is why boxers don't block. They have to cover. If the boxer could block that onslaught they would be blocking, but Wing Chun is more than that. Wing Chun is electricity. It's not just that the Wing Chun guy is throwing 11 attacks, its 11 attacks followed by blocks. Look at the Wing Chun punch, there was no block, but there was a block. The punch is a block and a block quickly turns into a punch if the guy is not going to block. If the punch is thrown he's gonna block. But the guy that doesn't know doesn't feel and ends up getting hit because he just tries to act.
So still some cannot understand why the Wing Chun guy is faster than the boxer. Of course, the boxer defends. The Wing Chun guy doesn't defend. Defense and Attack go together; one technique.
One of my students A. R. (name abbreviated for privacy) said, "I was on the street and all of a sudden I see five guys on the ground, but I don't know what he did." If you know Wing Chun immediately you're going to make the assumption, "That must have been Wing Chun." So this is a real story. He recounted it several times and was disappointed. It was funny, he said he should have taken Wing Chun. Later when he found out, when he saw Wing Chun, he said that was exactly what he saw (Wing Chun). Five guys on the ground that didn't know what hit them.
So yeah, Wing Chun and Chi Shuo are good for the street, but going into a cage against a trained fighter you are gonna want more than just traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu.
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