"Don’t be afraid to correct perfectionists because you feel it will upset them. An instructor who feeds into this is not really teaching. Constant praise is counterproductive and doesn’t help the student learn."
I appreciate martial arts students who want to do everything perfectly. They are usually very committed and hard working. They sign up for classes ready to train and full of enthusiasm. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm disappears very quickly. The one problem is that perfectionists worry themselves to death. They start off with a very positive attitude, but set the bar so high that they get depressed and disappointed if they can’t meet their expectations often times allowing the slightest error to completely deflate the moment and block reception of the lesson.
Students with such high anxiety also tend to ask a lot of questions and over-analyze the lesson or the techniques. What happens then is that instead of enjoying their martial arts training, it becomes stressful. Some don’t want to take promotion tests because in their minds, they are never really ready. Usually they are of the mind that nothing they do is ever good enough.
I’ve taught martial arts for over 30 years because I love teaching. I've said it again and again, I don’t like to give up on anyone, perfectionists included. They can be superior athletes if trained properly. My best approach is to encourage them to lighten up. I have to constantly remind them not to be so hard on themselves.
During open workout sessions, I specifically direct perfectionists on what they should work on for that hour. Some students are so self-directed that they show up to an open workout with an agenda of what they want to work on and can keep themselves busy for an hour. Although, if the Perfectionist needs a plan... Give it to them! They will rise to the occasion.
Don’t be afraid to correct perfectionists because you feel it will upset them. An instructor who feeds into this is not really teaching. Constant praise is counterproductive and doesn’t help the student learn. Make constructive corrections and tell the student how to improve!
Above all, focus on the overall learning experience! When directed by a knowledgeable instructor perfectionists have the potential to be, to become, outstanding Martial Artists. Encourage them to enjoy the journey!
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